BizVidya excels in Educational Services Product Development Marketing

Bizvidya caters to business consulting, market research, content creation strategy and many more which helps in your business growth and brand building.

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About us

BizVidya started in 2023 to help new business ideas grow and make cool things happen. We want to help people who dream of starting their own businesses and make it easier for them to connect with others in the business world. We offer personalized help, connections with different industries, and lots of useful stuff to help new ideas succeed.

Our mentorship programs are like having a wise friend to give you advice and show you the ropes. We'll give you tips that really work and tell you what it's like out there in the real business world. We want to make it simpler for people with great ideas to figure out how to make them real and successful.
So if you're thinking about starting your own business but don't know where to begin, we're here to help you every step of the way!

Our Quality is our true identity !

Goals & Objectives


Help both students and incubation centers, incubate and open up new verticals for innovative products


Help in creating a network of industry professionals, experts, mentors and investors to stay updated with the trend


Help incubation center to enhance or optimize infrastructure and set-up a enhanced facilities for innovation and research


Helping schools and colleges to revamp education standards and align it to growing demand

Digital Inclusion

Ensure all communities have access to technology, internet, and resources for equitable participation and empowerment.


Foster partnerships across sectors to create a cohesive environment supporting innovation and societal progress.

Join Our Community


Wanna become the Yoda to our Jedi entrepreneurs – guiding them through the startup galaxy with wisdom, wit, and maybe a few light saber skills!?


Wanna turn startups into success stories with the Midas touch and a knack for turning ideas into Gold being the most successful incubator!?


Wanna take mentorship from industry-level experts where you can ask burning questions without setting off any alarms?! Chance to fly your idea high.


Meet the Team

Our strength lies in our individuality. Set up by Pabitra Das, the team strives to bring in the best talent in various fields, from Operations to Analytics.

Pabitra Kumar Das

Founder & CEO

Vikas Vardhan

Co-Founder & Chief Marketing and Analytics Officer

Utkarsh Pandey

Co-Founder & Chief Digital Marketing and Analytics Officer

Syed Nooruddin Hussaini

Co-Founder & Chief Technology and
Operating Officer

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